The Providence Athenæum simply would not exist today without the foresight and generosity of centuries of past members.
Including the Athenæum in your estate plan is a way to recognize the library’s storied history and invest in its promising future. For nearly two hundred years, dedicated members and supporters of the Athenæum have steadily built up its endowment through their planned gifts. By becoming a member of the Athena Society, you join this longstanding community who have demonstrated their love for and need of the humanities, conversation, and the written word.
If you have already included the Athenaeum in your estate plan, please consider completing and returning this confidential form to inform us of your intentions.
Athena Society Members
Anonymous (2)
Anonymous (2)*
Candy Adriance
Alex Aho
Kqantu Pareja Bennett
Garrett Bliss
Thomas & Antonia Bryson
Eunice Burr* & William H. Claflin
Stephen & Melanie Coon
R. Tripp Evans
Dean Hantzopoulos
Brian & Lyn Hayden
Lynne Hoppin-Fazzi*
Heidi Jensen & Jason Befort
Mary Louise Kennedy
Jane & Tony* Lancaster
Cathy Lund & Peter Karczmar
Doug & Elsie Morse
Mark & Linda Narbey
Timothy* & Claudia Philbrick
Rich Rudert
Gardiner & Cynthia Shattuck
Deming & Jane Sherman
Jim Sunshine*
Vicki Veh
* deceased