Monuments & Memory
After roughly 150 years, Americans are still fighting the Civil War – at least perceptions of the Civil War. The Confederacy cast a long shadow over the twentieth century. In fact, the United States built most of its nearly 1,500 Confederate-related sites during the last century. Many of these monuments and memorials stood relatively unchallenged. In recent years, however, Confederate memorialization has come under intense fire. Why have many Americans changed their minds about these monuments? Dr. Julian Maxwell Hayter will attempt to answer this question. Dr. Hayter will discuss the legacy of Confederate memorialization and how it embodies the age-old struggle between real and imagined history. He will not merely grapple with what history is (and is not), but also how historical and contemporary contexts shape what we think we know of the past.
Julian Maxwell Hayter is a historian and associate professor of Leadership Studies at the University of Richmond’s Jepson School of Leadership Studies. His research focuses on modern U.S. history and the American civil rights movement. His writing and research draws attention to mid-20th century voting rights in Richmond, Virginia and in the border South; the implementation of the Voting Rights Act; and the unintended consequences of African American political empowerment and governance post-1965. He is the author of The Dream is Lost: Voting Rights and the Politics of Race in Richmond, Virginia. Dr. Hayter is often featured and cited in local and national media. He has written for the Washington Post, been featured on 60 Minutes, and contributes to several local media outlets.